It's Carnival! See our tips to enjoy the revelry in a healthy way.

Carnival is coming and, in order to party with a lot of energy, some nutritional care is necessary. Any carelessness can end the party or generate numerous consequences when the revelry is over. 

During this period, people usually overindulge, so it is important to take extra care with food and stay hydrated to ensure well-being throughout the Carnival period.

Drink lots of water! Try to drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day. You can also invest in coconut water and in natural fruit juices, such as grape juice, for example. A lot of water is important to withstand the stride. The ideal is to do this even without feeling thirsty. Remember, alcoholic beverages do not quench your thirst and cause the body to become dehydrated;

Wear light clothes that guarantee your mobility. Everyone likes a good costume that represents their tastes and style. Carnival is the time to put all your creativity out there, but be careful: don't neglect your comfort.

Avoid synthetic fabrics, which make perspiration difficult and very tight cuts, especially in the bending points of your body – knees, elbows, waist etc;

Invest in sturdy and comfortable shoes! Your feet are definitely going to feel the effects of the holiday the most. Therefore, you must ensure that they are as comfortable as possible!

The ideal is to invest in shoes with resistant, waterproof and non-slip soles. Sneakers are the best options for the party;

If you drink do not drive: alcohol and driving don't mix, so if you're going to drink, take a taxi or another form of transport. And also avoid taking a ride with anyone who has been drinking;

Eat seasonal fruits: fruits have vitamins and minerals that help in various functions of the organism, among them in the detoxification process;

Eat dark green vegetables: foods like cabbage, broccoli, arugula, watercress... these vegetables act in the detoxification process, helping the functioning of the liver. Therefore, they are good options in the fight against hangovers;

Program yourself: do not fast for long periods! The ideal is to have three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and small snacks in between. These small snacks can be fresh fruit or fruit juice, nuts, whole grain crackers and granola bars;

Eat foods that give you energy: this way you will keep the total pique in the carnival! Bet on cereals, cereal bars, rice and pasta, but give preference to the whole version of these foods;

Beware of food sold by street vendors. Many of them are exposed to inadequate temperatures for their conservation, causing the appearance of bacteria that cause food poisoning. Prefer only those that are under refrigeration;

Use sunscreen: if you're going to play in the sun, use sunscreen.

Rest: in the heat of enjoying the revelry, probably the last thing you'll want is to stop to rest, but don't fall for it!

Your body needs rest to replenish its energy, so you can enjoy Carnival even more. Often, a break of a few minutes is enough to replenish your energy for a few hours, but the night's sleep cannot be replaced.

Upload your updated documents: Is this important for your health? Too much! Identification documents will help authorities contact your family in an emergency.

Extra Tip: Use the Alpfilm ziplock bag to store your cell phone and wallet, as well as your documents, inside the pocket. 

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