Alpfilm's commitment on World Food Day: Improve your quality of life

World Food Day was created in 1945 with the aim of raising awareness among the population about the importance of healthy eating.

This date is anchored in four pillars: better nutrition, better production, better environment and better quality of life and was chosen to remember the creation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

But in addition to the topics above, this date also reminds us of the urgency in addressing critical issues related to food, sustainability and waste. On this day, we would like to share with you Alpfilm's commitment to making a difference in this global scenario.

At Alpfilm, we are a leader in the production of high-quality plastic film, but our mission goes beyond providing exceptional products. We are committed to promoting the reduction of food and plastic film waste.

Main characteristics of a healthy diet:

  1. Respecting and valuing food practices rooted in different cultures, we encourage the preservation of food sovereignty.
  1. Ensuring everyone has access to tasty, affordable food, we highlight that a healthy diet doesn't have to be expensive.
  1. For dietary diversity, there must be the consumption of a wide variety of foods that provide essential nutrients, avoiding monotony that can restrict adequate nutrient intake.
  1. Colorful eating, we emphasize the importance of increasing the consumption of healthy foods, such as vegetables, fruits and tubers, not only for nutrition, but also to make meals visually attractive.
  1. Seek harmony between the quantity and quality of the food consumed.
  1. Prioritizing food safety against physical, chemical and biological risks, we highlight the importance of ensuring food safety for the health of the population.

Special Technologies to Reduce Plastic Film Waste:

Alpfilm products are manufactured with your quality of life in mind, we guarantee greater flavor and durability in your food. 

But our commitment to you and the environment goes further!

Our environmental responsibility is a central part of our philosophy. We recognize that plastic film is an important component in packaging, but we also know that we can reduce its impact on the environment. We invest in technologies to make our products 100% recyclable, in addition to having an exclusive cutting system that helps organize your kitchen and avoids wasting plastic film.

Every time you choose an Alpfilm product, you are joining us in the fight for a world with less waste. Sustainability is a fundamental value that guides our company at all stages of production, from the choice of raw materials to the development of innovative solutions. We believe that together we can be part of the solution to the global challenges of food waste and plastic waste.

On this World Food Day, Alpfilm reaffirms its commitment to reducing food and plastic film waste.

Through our innovative products and technologies, we are actively working to create a world with less waste and more sustainability. Join us on this journey and make a difference by choosing Alpfilm.

Use this day to start a new phase of your life. Improve the quality of your food and guarantee the durability of your food without harming the environment.

Together, we can create a healthier future for you and the planet.

Let's make a difference, one plastic wrap at a time.

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