5 foods that help strengthen your immunity!

We have been in a delicate situation with the arrival of the new Coronavirus in the country. The recommendations made by the authorities are for us to stay at home and avoid social contact. However, the effects of the pandemic are still uncertain and some people need to leave their homes to go to work, as with health and public safety professionals. Therefore, it is essential that we take good care of our immunity, so that, in case of contamination, the disease does not manifest itself so aggressively.

But how can I improve the immunity?

This is a mechanism that acts in the defense of the organism against the action of invading agents that can cause diseases, such as fungi, bacteria and viruses. So when the immunity of a person is low, he is more likely to develop infections - just as it happens when we come into contact with COVID-19. 

In this context, having a good diet helps the immune system to act more effectively in case of contamination. It is worth noting that no food is capable of preventing infection by the Coronavirus, but some of them help to prevent the infection from causing major damage to health, especially in people at risk. 

With that in mind, we have listed some foods that help strengthen your health and, therefore, can make all the difference during this period. But it is important to remember that having a balanced diet is essential for the immune system to function well at all times, not only in times of pandemic.  

# 1- Natural yogurt

This food is a strong ally of the immune system. After all, yogurt is rich in natural probiotics (beneficial bacteria that make up the intestinal flora), capable of contributing to the increase in the production of defense cells in the intestine.

# 2- Oilseeds

Oilseeds, such as chestnuts, almonds and walnuts, are great sources of vitamins, minerals, fibers and fats that are good for the body. And they also have antioxidant functions that help boost the immune system.

Ideally, these foods should be consumed in natura and in small daily portions, since they can be very caloric.

# 3- Citrus fruits

If consumed regularly, citrus fruits - such as lemon, orange, strawberry and pineapple - help to strengthen the body's natural defense. This is because they are rich in vitamin C, a nutrient that contributes to the formation of immune cells.

# 4- Dark green vegetables

Dark green vegetables, such as broccoli, arugula, spinach and kale, play an important role in the formation of white blood cells, responsible for the defense of the organism. And they are still rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

# 5- Salmon

As it is a food rich in omega 3, salmon helps to increase the immunity. It is also a great ally for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke. 

How to protect yourself when going to the market?

To contain the spread of COVID-19, it is necessary to redouble the care with hygiene, such as washing hands and disinfecting the house. But the main recommendation of doctors is that we avoid leaving home. Therefore, many people decided to buy larger quantities of groceries, in order to avoid frequent trips to the supermarket. To help you optimize this task, ensuring proper food preservation, we have a few more tips:

  • at the time of purchase, choose essential foods - which contribute to the strengthening of immunity - in an amount that is sufficient for the period of two weeks (isolation period for an infected person);
  • if possible, try to go to the market at alternative times and keep a safe distance from other people in the place. In addition, the ideal is that only one member of your family is responsible for this function; 
  • when you get home, it is important to wash your hands and arms well. Remember also that, before storing them, groceries and their packaging must be properly sanitized; 
  • to keep food preserved during this period, count on Alpfilm! O plastic film and the Zip Lock bag of the Protect line have an antibacterial shield, which helps to extend the life of the supplies. Thus, you can use alternative packaging in order to store them more safely. 


Among the preventive measures recommended during the Coronavirus pandemic, the main one is to maintain social distance. However, at this moment, there is little care. Thus, strengthening the immunity it is important to prevent the disease from causing major damage to the body in case of contamination. And remember: it is important not to make large stocks at home. Buy only what you need to keep your family for 15 days, so that other people don't run out of supplies, agreed?

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