Alpfilm Protect: proven protection and effectiveness

AlpFilm's clear plastic film can be a powerful ally in protecting your home and family. Check out!

In times of a pandemic, it is normal to exceed your concerns about contamination by the new Coronavirus. With this, new care was adopted by many families: social distance, wearing a mask, using alcohol gel, taking off your shoes before entering the house, among others. Another issue that has always been very common to so many Brazilians is in relation to bacteria and fungi that can be found in market products, in bags or even in the refrigerator and can cause people to get sick.

Thinking about the health of its customers, Alpfilm developed the plastic film that has a proven 99,9% effectiveness against the new Coronavirus. In addition, Alpfilm Protect PVC is the only one in Latin America with an antibacterial shield that eliminates 99,96% of the microorganisms that cause food poisoning and intestinal problems. But a question that may arise is: "How can I benefit from this plastic film in my day-to-day life and still guarantee my safety?" See below.


See some benefits that PVC can give you

Alpfilm Protect can be used in fatty foods (meat, fish and cheese) and non-fatty foods (vegetables, fruits and vegetables), in addition to other items such as wine, desserts and even when preparing some recipes. Its main function is to prevent these items from becoming contaminated with any virus or bacteria that is on the surface, housed in the refrigerator or impregnated in the bag.

Another benefit that Alpfilm Protect can offer is that it helps to preserve the flavor of wine and other drinks that have not been consumed entirely. In addition, due to the high adherence of the material and because it is waterproof, it is possible to extend the shelf life of food. It also allows creams and other desserts to cool without creating skins and can also be an ally in preparing oven-marinated dishes.


Tips on how to take care of food to avoid contamination

  • To avoid food contamination and protect your family, here are some precautions you should take:
  • Clean the shopping cart and your hands whenever you touch a product;
  • Take care not to cough, talk or sneeze while choosing an exposed food;
  • Sanitize bags and food when you get home;


Whenever possible, change product bags and packaging - an alternative to replace is Alpfilm's Zip Lock bag, capable of eliminating 99,96% of foodborne infections;

Store food in a cool place and food that is not perishable, dry and airy.


Why choose Alpfilm Protect?

But you may be asking yourself: “why choose Alpfilm Protect in the face of so many opportunities that I have in the market?” It's simple! Thinking about your protection and that of your family, our plastic film is able to protect not only against fungi and bacteria, thus avoiding problems with food poisoning, but it can also protect against COVID-19.

Alpfilm Protect has also been designed to bring you more convenience and has developed an exclusive cutting system! Just pull the plastic and cut it to the desired size. With the rail box, the PFV does not create bubbles or tear. In addition, it is a great tool that helps a lot in the preparation of some foods.