Learn how to freeze food the right way

For some years now, the concern with health and aesthetics has led many people to adopt a healthier diet, with processed foods giving way to the most natural. In 2017, the survey The Top 10 Consumer Trends already showed this change: 79% of respondents were replacing conventional products with higher quality options. In this context, the practice of freeze food proved to be a great stimulus for the preparation of homemade meals and fruit juices, for example, as a way to ensure more practicality in everyday life.

In addition, more than functional, the food stored in the freezer remains preserved for a longer time, increasing the shelf life of food - which has been shown to be even more important at that time, when the Coronavirus pandemic has forced people to shopping a little bigger and storing food to cook at home. But, if done improperly, the freezing process can compromise the nutritional value of food. Therefore, we have separated some tips that will help you to preserve the quality of your meals and snacks.

The use of labels facilitates the differentiation of food

To facilitate the identification of some foods, such as meats and vegetables, using labels on the packaging can help you when defrosting. In addition to the name, also note the expiration date product to make sure you consume it in good condition.


Organization is essential when it comes to freeze food

Before storing food, separate it into small portions in order to facilitate the freezing process. In addition, dividing food into small amounts prevents leftovers from having to be refrozen after a meal is prepared.



# 1 - It is not necessary to wait for the food to cool

Contrary to what many people think, waiting for food to cool down to freeze it can reduce its time in freezer. This is because, when at room temperature, the food is more exposed to contamination. Therefore, the ideal is not to wait more than two hours to bring the dish to the freezer.


# 2 - Refreeze is not a good option

After defrosting a food item, do not take it back to the freezer. When in contact with air at room temperature, the level of proliferation of microorganisms increases. Thus, when re-frozen, the food will have a much higher microbial load, which may cause food poisoning after consumption.


# 3 - Proper packaging influences the durability of products

A determining factor to guarantee more durability to food in the freezer is to properly choose the containers that will be used. The ideal is to make use of packaging that can be well sealed, so that they do not allow moisture absorption. 

For freeze food, the most suitable is to use airtight plastic bags - like the Alpfilm Zip Lock - which prevent the entry of air and prevent contamination by fungi and bacteria.

The practice of freeze food provides more convenience in preparing meals and increases the durability of products. However, it is necessary to refrigerate properly in order to preserve the nutritional value and quality of the food. To receive more tips like this - ensuring more tranquility, economy and health for you and your family, even more in this period of social isolation - also follow our Instagram 😉

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