With the advancement of the pandemic, scientific studies that seek to discover the specifics of the new coronavirus, in addition to more effective forms of prevention and treatments, have been intensified. Despite this, the information available about the disease is still limited. In this context, social distancing and the strengthening of hygiene measures have proved to be great allies in the prevention of coronavirus. Therefore, in a scenario

Learn how to freeze food the right way

For some years now, the concern with health and aesthetics has led many people to adopt a healthier diet, with industrialized foods giving way to more natural ones. In 2017, The Top 10 Consumer Trends survey already showed this change: 79% of respondents were replacing conventional products with higher quality options. In this context, the practice of freezing food is

5 foods that help strengthen your immunity!

We have been experiencing a delicate situation with the arrival of the new coronavirus in the country. The recommendations made by the authorities are for us to stay at home and avoid social contact. However, the effects of the pandemic are still uncertain and some people need to leave their homes to go to work, as is the case with health and public safety professionals. Therefore, it is essential