In recent weeks, there has been a lot of speculation about miracle cures for COVID-19. However, as it is a newly discovered virus, its forms of prevention and treatment are still being studied. So far, we know that individuals with a strengthened immune system are more resistant to infections, which increases the chances of recovery in case of contamination. That's why many people

With the advancement of the pandemic, scientific studies that seek to discover the specifics of the new coronavirus, in addition to more effective forms of prevention and treatments, have been intensified. Despite this, the information available about the disease is still limited. In this context, social distancing and the strengthening of hygiene measures have proved to be great allies in the prevention of coronavirus. Therefore, in a scenario

Learn how to freeze food the right way

For some years now, the concern with health and aesthetics has led many people to adopt a healthier diet, with industrialized foods giving way to more natural ones. In 2017, The Top 10 Consumer Trends survey already showed this change: 79% of respondents were replacing conventional products with higher quality options. In this context, the practice of freezing food is

5 foods that help strengthen your immunity!

We have been experiencing a delicate situation with the arrival of the new coronavirus in the country. The recommendations made by the authorities are for us to stay at home and avoid social contact. However, the effects of the pandemic are still uncertain and some people need to leave their homes to go to work, as is the case with health and public safety professionals. Therefore, it is essential

Self-care: 5 tips to achieve more quality of life

International Women's Day is a date that gives visibility to the various struggles faced by feminism over the years. The search for gender equality in working conditions, for example, still continues, but it is a fact that many women have already conquered more space in the market thanks to this movement. However, most of them still have to deal with a tiring routine, which involves

7 recipes to enjoy food and save more!

There is no debate: the practice of enjoying food needs to be optimized urgently. And the reasons are diverse and essential for their quality of life and the sustainability of the planet. First, because this generates a greater accumulation of garbage in the environment and the excessive use of natural resources. Second, because you stop eating foods that are very good for your health. And still,

Goals for 2020: you can start with recycling!

We are producing more and more waste. According to an estimate from the World Bank, released at the meeting of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the volume of urban waste on the planet should reach 2,2 billion tons in 2025, against the current around 2 billion tons. . It is easy to imagine that, when discarded in dumps and sanitary landfills, as happens today in

Plastic film or aluminum foil. When to use each one?

The type of material is one of the first differences observed between aluminum foil and PVC stretch film – also popularly known as plastic film. Thus, their properties are different, which will determine the most appropriate application of these items in the preparation of recipes. This is the most important and tangible part for you, who buy the rolls ready-made. The leaves