5 tips to make the perfect lunch box

It's a fact: people are increasingly concerned about their own food health. Maybe you are one of them — and if not, you know someone who is super focused on maintaining healthy meals and habits that contribute to greater well-being. This behavior trend is supported by data, including: according to a survey by Global Nielsen, with 30 thousand people in 60 countries,

Myths and truths about plastic

You must agree: plastic is one of the products that people have the most contact with on a daily basis and, even so, few understand in detail all of its characteristics and properties. Thanks to this, he is sometimes the center of unnecessary controversies — and these are precisely what we are here to clarify in this article! Read on and discover the myths and truths about

Understand once and for all: is plastic film recyclable?

The question of whether plastic film is recyclable is one of the most frequent among consumers. The reason for this is simple: despite being a plastic in common use, it has specific properties, such as its great flexibility. So, for you to understand better about your disposal, we prepared this article with several good tips! After all, is plastic film recyclable or not? The answer is yes! plastic film,

Food waste: learn how to reduce it once and for all!

A study recently carried out by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) revealed that, in the country, a family wastes an average of 128 kilos of food per year. Food waste in a single household can exceed the value of one thousand reais per year, making it very clear that there is something wrong with our consumer culture. The numbers, which are already frightening, represent only

Mini-vegetable garden: growing spices in small spaces

Planting your own spices at home is a great option to have healthy and organic food always available and at a low cost. And even those who live in apartments or small houses can make a very practical and functional garden. Want to know how? We have prepared a list of easy-to-grow foods and have put together five tips for taking care of your mini garden. Check out!  

6 tips for a healthier life

Getting up early, rushing to work, picking up the kids from school, meeting friends… Phew! Sometimes the routine is breathtaking, isn't it? With that in mind, we’ve come up with some easy-to-follow tips for those who want to reconcile healthy habits with their busy daily lives. Check out! 1) Sleep well Have you noticed that our body works like a battery?

Plastic film in tattoo: to use or not to use?

Taking good care of a new tattoo is essential for healing to occur in the best possible way and for the design to not lose its color. Therefore, it is common for people – especially those who have tattooed for the first time – to be worried about what they can or cannot do. After all, care is little when we are talking about an investment that is not usually

Alpfilm Clinic with gauntlet: an ally in the routine of offices, clinics and tattoo parlors

Full schedule, last minute appointments, organization of the space between one client and another, unforeseen events during the day... The routine of beauticians, dentists and tattooists is usually very busy! Therefore, it is super important that these professionals have products that provide more agility and practicality to work – and the Alpfilm Clinic with a handle is ideal for this. Specially formulated for the market