Effectiveness of Alpfilm Protect: your food fresh for longer and your family much healthier!

Is your family going away and the fridge is full of fruits and vegetables? Make a mistake at the butcher shop and take more meat than you should? Spoiled and thrown away food? Count on the protective action of Alpfilm Protect and leave all that in the past! 

That's because food lasts much longer when using Alpfilm's plastic film! And the explanation is very simple: we are pioneers in the use of an antibacterial protection shield, which has several technologies designed to increase the useful life of products. 

The exclusive Alpfilm antibacterial protection shield exists because our stretchable plastic film has silver silicate in its composition, a material that has bactericidal and fungicidal properties. Other noble metals, such as gold and platinum, also have this characteristic. However, silver is the most advantageous because it has the best cost and a greater spectrum of action, eliminating all types of bacteria. 

It is a material developed in the laboratories of the Center for the Development of Functional Materials of the Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP). First, we develop the basic material and then we think about its applications. Then the compound was introduced into the PVC plastic. The bactericidal property present in the compound eliminates most of the micro-organisms, which may be in the food packaged by the film. With this discovery, the bacteria do not create resistance, as occurs with the prolonged use of antibiotics, because the elimination provided is physical and not chemical.

Thus, our packaging protects food from fungi and bacteria from the environment and from bacteria that had already settled in the food. To get an idea, in the case of tomatoes, the shelf life increased from two to 26 days. Lettuce protected by bactericidal plastic had its shelf life extended from five to eight days.

One of the advantages of this technology in food preservation is the reduction of waste, thus contributing to the housewife's economy. 

To maximize the effect offered by the antibacterial protection shield, you should pay attention to a few simple tips: if indicated on the packaging, store the food in the fridge or freezer, when consuming it for a longer time, and always check the expiry date . And, of course, don't forget to sanitize food well before consumption or before packaging for transportation.

Now that you know how the antibacterial protection shield works, there are plenty of reasons to use Alpfilm plastic wrap! Visit our virtual store and enjoy our promotions!